Page name: bored wiki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-04-20 21:38:28
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Welcome to the bored wiki !


Welcome to the bored wiki , every one is welcome here...if you would like to become a member just go to the link below (bored wiki members )and add you name at the bottom of the list...if you have any questions message me,my username is [deathly ~*~ beautiful] or [FireWing].Thank you.


Rules: agrueing here (or fighting)
2.dont talk trash about people on here
3.have fun and feel free to talk about whatever
4.dont use this as a debate room there is a forum designed for that..go there instead..


Owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

Asst. Manager:[FireWing]


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Go to bored wiki members


Here are some other cool wiki's that I know of...if you have one you'd like to add just let me here they are:

mystic circle -owner:[scarletdeath]
ghost hunters -owner:[THEHOBBITEDONE]
Cutters Poetry-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]
gothicDepression fan club -owner:[Celtore]
bleeding hearts -owner:[Celtore]
People of the Heartagram-owner:[FireWing]
What Love Truely Is-owner:[deathly ~*~ beautiful]


If you have any questions comments or complaints contact me.(Or if you wish Message James @ [FireWing])We will be happy to help you or listen to your question comment or complaint.

[deathly ~*~ beautiful]

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2005-09-18 [Magatama]: whatsup?

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: not much im just really fucking bored

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: oh well I'm watching Unforgiven

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: congradulations

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: is that a movie

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: ok i'll be off elfpack for a while because tomorrow i'm gonna get charged for murder cause my mate is sitting here annoying me to fuck

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: sorry i hope you dont get found guilty...

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: I will I'm gonna leave a bloody mess everywhere

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...Sounds fun..

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: lol yeah

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well might as well have fun b/c you wont once you are found guilty...

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: yep yep yep

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol....yeah well im going to go....bye

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: ok bye bye hunny

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: OK BYE BYE HUNNY

2005-09-19 [LastHope]: hey...ppl

2005-09-19 [$*Miss Addi*$]: Hey Yall i guess no loves me anymore

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: hi ppls! ^_^

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I love you addi!!(as a

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: ... I LOVE YOU TOO!!!! ^_^ who r u?

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ashley...duh!

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: oh... yeah... ^_^...

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: really smart huh

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol..dude im your friend..we have a relation request thingy....I feel so forgotten....

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wat?

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: silence... i meant whos addi?

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: this one maybe Angeladdi: i dont know

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...Oh ok i feel im a bit off... addi is a member on here...she is tight....tal to her when she gets on..

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: i dont know her either...

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I do..I have a friendshiop relation thingy with her...

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel wat i mant is i not sure if the pursen ment Angeladdi but i do know Angeladdi shes nice yea

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: umm yeah im lost but ok!

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: i feel so left out...

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel i mand i know hur but im not sure that ive that pursen that put addi on here mant hur

2005-09-19 [$*Miss Addi*$]: Hey yalll itz ashleys girl addi

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol the person of the moment..were your ears burningZ?we were just talking about you..

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: HI WHO R U?! ^_^

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: nvm but hey Angeladdi how ya doing

2005-09-19 [$*Miss Addi*$]: im good yall just been dealin with drama and bein depress

2005-09-19 [$*Miss Addi*$]: awwww i feel so loved

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol...

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: i still have no idea who u r! TT_TT

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: lol

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel take alook on hur page than.....duh. but addi your always loved here 

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: wll u marry me! ^_^

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: HUH...WHO?

2005-09-19 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: ummmm right..

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: addi! ^_^

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke wel go fore it addi

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: wow some things have changed ..sup all long time no c

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: YA!!! 8huggles*

2005-09-19 [$*Miss Addi*$]: aww i feel so speacial....*tears of joy* kagura who r u askin 2 marry u?

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey dimondeyes_666 its bin along time ago that i saw you here hows it going

2005-09-19 [une histoire d'amour]: ... u silly! ^_^ but i always do that.. i have 6 wives... no im not a presbo....

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: a wat ?

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: ehhi've been aight u

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im oke

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: good to hear lol hugs lol wow really has been awile lol so any thing new ?

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: *sneaks around*

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel the page is alittel nuw so thats about it i gues

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: lol coo meww looks at souske sagara pokey hehe meww but any who any one else as bored az i am?

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel im really bored

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: I'm not that bored I'm watching Walking Tall

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke fun

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: yeah The Rock and Johnny Knoxville woohoo

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: the rock?

2005-09-19 [Magatama]: yeah Dwayne Johnson, Rocky Maiavia whatever you wanna call him, he is The Rock

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: thats a good movie lol rolls over an giggles eee i love that movie it's funny as fuck lol

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke still dont know the gut but maybe that bechuase im not really in to comedie(luafeing movies) movies im more in to actoin and trillers and horror and sf

2005-09-19 [DimondEyes_666]: i am too i love horror an thrillers but that's a cute movie theres some umm comedies i enjoy any ways

2005-09-19 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: naaah i hate uhm i never really thing there fun i just luafe bechuase some one els dose that more fun to see than the movie hahahah hahaha but i like the blood and guts spilling beter

2005-09-20 [$*Miss Addi*$]: k wat is goin on im lost *stares and is confused*

2005-09-20 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel whi whure talking about movies

2005-09-20 [$*Miss Addi*$]: oh wat movies

2005-09-20 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Attention:I will not be on for a few days,a Hurricane is coming towards us and we have to evacuate by 6pm tommorrow.Be good all yall and [FireWing] is in charge untill I am back.Love you all.Missing: </b>

2005-09-20 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke thats not good

2005-09-20 [DimondEyes_666]: ooo sux.. i'm a freak so i kinda wishi was there.. i love storms hope u be fine ash

2005-09-20 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel i like thunder stormes i like to take a walk in tham so im wierd on that point but in a hurricaneno thanxx

2005-09-20 [DimondEyes_666]: lol no same here juss i wouldn't mind watching it's kinda a high sortta i guess..

2005-09-20 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke i whulde like to watch it to but frome a save place but still really close

2005-09-21 [DimondEyes_666]: lol true lol

2005-09-21 [FireWing]: XD 

2005-09-21 [DimondEyes_666]: suppy

2005-09-21 [$*Miss Addi*$]: i hate all storms

2005-09-21 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I doubt it will be that long,We are leaving to evacuate today,It is mandatory by 6pm ,and School is back in session on monday so as long as I still have a computer and a house I should be on Sunday or monday!If everything goes as planned,Take care all of yall!I'll miss yall!*hugs n kisses to everyone* begood and dont give James a hard time!

2005-09-21 [DimondEyes_666]: lol kk

2005-09-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: whi whonde gife him a hard time promis (every one promis that) Hugs back

2005-09-21 [Magatama]: ok just to keep the randomness alive some random music lyrics Wherever You May Find It, Wherever It May Lead, Let Your Private Emotion Come To Me

2005-09-21 [une histoire d'amour]: fuck you firefly have you lost your light? now i hate your ways cause their just like mine

2005-09-21 [Magatama]: ok that's an easy song to know It's Breaking Benjamin - Firefly but what is my song

2005-09-21 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: huh

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: YOU KNOW THAT SONG?! i love breaing benjamin! ^_^ i had that song stuck in my head all day!

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: grr now i have forget it stuck in my head!

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: is fuck you actually in the song or was that part aimed at me?

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: no its actually in the song...

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: oh ok

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: how can i beleive when this cloud hangs over me your the part of me that i dont want to see! i can live forever here!

2005-09-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: no i dont know bechuase i dont know that song

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: ya know what's stuck In my head?

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: what?

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: the daft punk song

2005-09-22 [une histoire d'amour]: i have disco stuck in my head by crossfade! ^_^

2005-09-22 [FireWing]: Heh..This wiki is pretty well-known^_^ I'm glad im a manager:-D

2005-09-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: so he finaly sows up

2005-09-22 [FireWing]: me?lol

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: Sargeant [Magatama] reporting for duty!

2005-09-22 [FireWing]: *salutes*  Sarge, i need you to umm.....hold on a sec...umm......make a banner! If you can

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: hmm a banner? I would need about 2 days preperation and about 2 days work so how about Saturday or Sunday?

2005-09-22 [FireWing]: Hmm that sounds fine^_^ Hey listen. I'm going to rearrange the banners page and members page you know organize. What do you think I should do to it?

2005-09-22 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hi

2005-09-22 [Magatama]: hello

2005-09-22 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey

2005-09-23 [une histoire d'amour]: HI!!! ^_^ *super speed wave*

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: well I am back we got to houston,which is 50miles from here and spent 13hours in houston stuck in traffic and we couldnt find gas anywhere or food to eat or anythign so we said fuc it and we went home...

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: oh thatz messed up

2005-09-23 [FireWing]: ASHLEY!!!  Whatz up?

2005-09-23 [Magatama]: *climb into Arbalist and walks around* w00t! Arbalist

2005-09-23 [X2]: 7#|5 \/\/|(| /\/33|)5 50|v|3 1337 5|>34|{

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: what the hell is that [X2]?!! hey yall...yeah i really dont know what the hell is going on...We might have to leave if it comes towards us..but i doubt it so James,I might need you ...Just kinda hang around i might not get a chance to log in and message yah about if im not on in like a day or too that is your ewy to know we left again..I hate hurricanes and I hate the government they screwed the whole evac. plan up...*shakes head in dismay*

2005-09-23 [X2]: you are confusing^^

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: AM I?

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: damn noone talks 2 me anymore more *tear*

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Im backedid...dont cry!

2005-09-23 [DimondEyes_666]: hi Ash sup all?

2005-09-23 [une histoire d'amour]: hi! ^_^

2005-09-23 [DimondEyes_666]: hi hi

2005-09-23 [une histoire d'amour]: yay! some one! *hugs*

2005-09-23 [DimondEyes_666]: lol hugz bk so whats goin on

2005-09-23 [une histoire d'amour]: nothing...

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: where is my hug damn no one likez me in here *tear*

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: *hugs all 'round* hello my peoples!

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: aww thatz one likez me in here i think im gonna quit talkin in here

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: I like Love you Addi!!

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: awww yay at least someone lovez me *tearz of joy*

2005-09-23 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: loll...*hugs* well im getting off..

2005-09-23 [$*Miss Addi*$]: same 2 u.......aight ttyl

2005-09-24 [Magatama]: message to [X2] : 1337 5P34|{ 5U[|{5 |\/|4N 4N|) B7W |)0 Y0U G0 0N70

2005-09-24 [Magatama]: *guards the doorway in Arbalist* Any unauthorized people entering shall be exterminated.

2005-09-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: um ok Sousuke and X2 what the hell are yall talking about?

2005-09-24 [X2]: [Magatama]: /\/07 "1337 5P34|{ 5U[|{5", 7|-|47 4|/\/7 1337, |75 "0|v|9!!!11111oneone!1! 1337 |5 73|-| 5|_|xXx0|2zzzZZzzZZZzz!!11!!1enoen!1EEnoene!1111". wtfs a loud silence: Sagara thinks that 1337 speak is teh suxx0rzzZZz

2005-09-24 [$*Miss Addi*$]: umm k wat kind of talk is taht

2005-09-24 [FireWing]: hax0r and l337

2005-09-24 [$*Miss Addi*$]: wat?????

2005-09-24 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Im so confused...

2005-09-24 [Magatama]: 10111010001001010111010010

2005-09-24 [Magatama]: ctrlaltdel - tragically 1337 lol it's a gamer/1337 webcomic [X2] you should check it out

2005-09-24 [Magatama]: *stands Arbalist at attention and climbs out* Do you have any orders Captain Moses?

2005-09-25 [une histoire d'amour]: *tackles nearest person*

2005-09-25 [$*Miss Addi*$]: me 2

2005-09-25 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: orders...but im still clueless about that "language"....

2005-09-25 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wat nu weer

2005-09-26 [DimondEyes_666]: lmao eee thats grate

2005-09-26 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: geweldig nou niet egt

2005-09-26 [DimondEyes_666]: ~*kitti cautta shamoota*~ meww so suppy?

2005-09-26 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wat ?

2005-09-26 [FireWing]: o.O woa\

2005-09-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Im still confused,*holds head in hands* i need some advil...

2005-09-26 [X2]: [Magatama]: gamer? no. programmer? yes. So bored that I learnd 1337? yes.

2005-09-26 [X2]: P.S. Now i remember, I seen that page. But they are anti mac/linux freaks and the whole site is just about some boring pc/console games:/

2005-09-26 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Ok,i give so lost,thanks [X2] and [Magatama]

2005-09-27 [$*Miss Addi*$]: ya me 2

2005-09-27 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im not following this

2005-09-27 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: no one but Josie and x2 are

2005-09-28 [$*Miss Addi*$]: ya i no

2005-09-28 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: oke wierd

2005-09-28 [une histoire d'amour]: i bet i could beat you in a race bitch! >_<

2005-09-28 [DimondEyes_666]: lol I Hate English!!!!!!!!! now that thats said how ya'll?

2005-09-28 [une histoire d'amour]: im god.

2005-09-28 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: im doing oke

2005-09-28 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hellooooooooo!!!!!

2005-09-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: you are god? really now?lol

2005-09-29 [_-L-u-s-t-_]: nope im not..

2005-09-29 [$*Miss Addi*$]: hey everybody!!!!!! how r yall doin im okay i guess

2005-09-29 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel thats good

2005-09-29 [$*Miss Addi*$]: ya i guesss

2005-09-29 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel yea it is

2005-09-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: interesting convo we have here...not!lol

2005-09-29 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: duh im just giffing a awnser nothing more

2005-09-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: not really but ok

2005-09-29 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: wel i didnt see any body els gife a comemant

2005-09-29 [Magatama]: *pulls out a guitar and starts rocking out to Trivium*

2005-09-29 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: Lol..Hey

2005-09-30 [une histoire d'amour]: *gets her guitar and plays along*

2005-10-01 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: hell yeah!

2005-10-02 [$*Miss Addi*$]: kewl lol

2005-10-02 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: so what is everyone up to?

2005-10-02 [FireWing]: o.O

2005-10-02 [FireWing]: .< Head hurts..

2005-10-02 [deathly ~*~ beautiful]: why does your head hurt?

2005-10-02 [FireWing]: Wiki stuff like my bug shop and school and stuff..

2005-10-02 [Magatama]: I have new pics w00t!

2005-10-02 [_-L-u-s-t-_]: ....hey

2005-10-02 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey

2005-10-03 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: hi?

2005-10-03 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hey how are ya doing to day

2005-10-03 [S.O.A.D. worshiper]: uh... taco-licious?

2005-10-03 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: hahahahahah oke

2005-10-03 [DimondEyes_666]: tweak lol

2005-10-03 [Wolf-Pack_NL]: tweak? wats that

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